Following the Sun to Summer
a new logo and a letter from the editor as we transition to FED's 2nd season
If “dog ate my homework” can be a legitimate excuse, then there’s no way FED’s inaugural season should have happened. Fellow contributors and I have weathered, navigated, and negotiated a collection of events including everything from last-minute work blizzards to literal avalanches on a snow leopard expedition, dementia in the immediate family, major illness, fender benders, dog attacks, accidental death with a trek required to recover the body and so much more, glitchy tech platform shenanigans exacerbated by FED’s multi-genre publishing requirements, and well, you get the picture. If only the dog had just eaten our homework, which puppy Saku, most certainly did not. Who’s a good boy?
Remarkably, FED’s inaugural season has, despite great challenges, yielded a smorgasbord, as planned and promised, courtesy of a delightful, global collection of musicians, artists, writers, growers, gleaners, cooks, and craftspeople. I’m going to take this as a good sign for seasons to follow!
AND, thanks to Darcy Reenis aka DJ D:RC, we even have a new logo and a more polished look and feel for the site. Bring it on, universe. 😛
For the metrics-loving crowd, I’ll share some happy numbers validating the beauty and love we’re collectively and collaboratively serving up. FED began, from scratch, with no audience when we launched on the Vernal Equinox in March 2024. As of June 2024, FED’s audience extends across 23 states, 11 countries, and both the northern and southern hemispheres. We’re regularly receiving more than 1000 views per month, and we have 85 subscribers aka committed readers and community members.
That last number may sound small in the grand scheme of things, but when you factor in that our twelve special guests span more than half a dozen genres and even more niches within genres, and that FED invites and challenges readers to pause their busy lives, step out of their comfort zones, and sample a whole lotta new, our initial audience trajectory from zero to almost 100 engaged community members in less than a season is truly amazing.
Thank you, Beautiful! …for reading, supporting the community, and participating in this grand beauty-and-love experiment.
On behalf of all of us, we are thrilled to be here with you, and we are grateful you have joined us at the table. FED’s proving to be one heck of a dinner party! And, while every course may not be a personal fave right of the bat, we hope that you’re always inspired enough to pause and say something like, “wow, I better keep trying to appreciate [insert challenging food/course/piece here] because I can tell this dish is really something!”
Although our inaugural dinner party wraps with the season, we hope you’re already salivating for what follows with the Summer Equinox. Stay tuned for details. We’ll announce the summer line-up on Thursday, June 13.
The very best dinner parties are full of provocative and vibrant voices, and we’d love to hear more from you in the coming season via likes, comments, and messages. Nothing like a little positive affirmation to fortify us in especially challenging moments and to cheer us on generally. And, please invite your friends, family, and followers to join us.
All are welcome at the table, and our entire concept and model--from content to revenue generation and subscription strategy--is designed to include everyone and anyone equitably, mutually, warmly, and in solidarity.
Big love, Ashley