5 lbs of flour
6 eggs
1 tbsp baking powder
3 melted sticks of butter
6 cups water
6 cinnamon sticks
1 cup brown sugar
The picture above is how they’ll look when ready to eat.
Add your cinnamon sticks and brown sugar to water and bring to a boil.
Let water cool, then bring your water to flour mixture (eggs, baking powder, and butter) and knead.
Cover and let dough rest for 30 minutes.
Cut pieces and roll into balls. Press the balls and flatten using rolling pin. Once it’s flat and round stretch with your hands carefully so it does not tear. Lay on flat surface and allow to dry.
Wash and clean a penny and place in pan with vegetable oil.
Once the buñuelos are dry on both sides use tongs to place in hot oil. Once brown on one side, turn with tongs. Both sides should be light brown.
Remove from pan with tongs and allow excess oil to drain by standing them up over the pan.
In separate bowl combine sugar and cinnamon, and once buñuelos have cooled, toss them around on both sides.
Dig in for more goodness…
To learn more about Lluvia and FED’s entire Spring 2024 all-star line-up of musicians, artists, writers, growers, gleaners, cooks, and craftspeople, check out Special Guests. And, be sure to check out DJ Topo Chica’s cumbia set to welcome summer!
Who’s washing dishes?
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